Meaning | Direct Translation | Transliteration | Hebrew |
What’s up? | What is happening? | Ma kore? | ?מה קורה |
What’s up? | What is the situation? | Ma ha matzav? | ?מה המצב |
Bye | Yalla, bye | יאללה, ביי | |
Cool! / Great / OK | Sababa | סבבה | |
Fantastic! / It’s a waste of time! | Shame on the time | Chaval al hazman | חבל על הזמן |
I’d love to | With fun | Be kef | בכיף |
Copy that / done | Closed | Sagur | סגור |
Terrible / Aweful | On the face | Al HaPanim | על הפנים |
Great | Arabic word meaning great | Achla | אחלה |
Mess / Problems / complicated situation | Disorder | Balagan | בלאגן |
Snack | Nishnush | נשנוש | |
Cheers! | To life | L'chaim! | לחיים |
Face | פייס | ||
Kef means fun and Retzach means, murder | Very fun | Kef retzach | כיף רצח |
Let's go! Let's do it! | Arabic word for get going, move on | Yalla | יאללה |
Come on / You got carried away | Come | Boh | בוא |
Used as dude/bro | My brother | Achi | אחי |
To describe something that is excellent / great / awesome | Fire | Esh | אש |
Sure thing / no problem | Checked | Baduk | בדוק |
To describe something that is unbearable / annoying | Not / Non | Bilti | בלתי |
Uncontrollable craving for something | An uncontrollable craving | Duda | דודא |
Straight forward | Straight forward | Duch | דוך |
Very high class | Very high class | Jonglare | ג'ונגלר |
Stupid / Dumb | Stupid / Dumb | Dbah | דבע |
Agreeing / going with the flow | Flowing | Zorem | זורם |
Someone who has a lot of money | Someone who has a lot of money | Tachun | טחון |
Meaning | Meaning | Ya'ani | יעני |
It's possible / there's a chance | There is a situation | Yesh Matzav | יש מצב |
Ace (used to describe someone who is increadible in something he did - nailed it!) | Ace (used to describe someone who is increadible in something he did - nailed it!) | Totach | תותח |
Amazing! | Amazing! | Katlani | קטלני |
Straight to the point | In reality, bottom line | Tachles | תכלס |
Someone who is disconnected from reality, living in a fantasy world | Living in a movie | Chai B'Seret | חי בסרט |
to describe something that is total noncence | Nonsense in juice | Shtuyot Bamitz | שטויות במיץ |
Do things one at a time / step by step | Cow Cow | Para Para | פרה פרה |
Just kidding / no specific reason / just 'cuz | Nothing / Purposelessly | Stam | סתם |
When something suits just right / to feel like it | Comes to me good | Ba li tov | בא לי טוב |
Good Job! / well done! / way to go | All the respect | Kol hakavod! | !כל הכבוד |
No way / impossible / not a chance | There is no situation | Ein Matzav | אין מצב |
No way! / what are you talking about? | What suddenly | Ma Pit'om | מה פתאום |
Finally | End End | Sof Sof | סוף סוף |
Stubborn, tough | Kashuach | קשוח | |
Long story short | Shortening | Kitzur | קיצור |
YAY | There is | Yesh | !יש |
Exhausted / hopeless / worn out | Finished / completed | Gamur | גמור |
Doing something quietly or secretly | Be’shu’shu | בשושו | |
A time of relaxation | Stomach, back | Beten gav | בטן גב |
To describe an event/series of events that are unbelievable - in a bad way | What a movie | Eizeh seret | איזה סרט |
An Arabic word meaning an embarrassing failure, carelesss mistake | Fadicha | פדיחה | |
Everything is perfect | It’s all honey | HaKol Dvash | הכל דבש |
Craziness, uncontrolled behavior | An Arabic word meaning aggravating, annoying or irritating | Janana | ג’ננה |
Filth, dirt, scum, filthy, dirty | Grime or gunge | Jiffa | ג'יפה |
What’s the score? | How much, how much? | Kama kama? | ?כמה כמה |
Used as slang for stating the obvious | Like, duh! | Ke’ilu da | כאילו דה |
Shady business plan / manipulation / working the system to your advantage | Short for combination | Kombina | קומבינה |
Cool! | Magniv | מגניב | |
Used when you meet someone a few times within a short time | Third time, ice-cream! | Pa’am Shlishit, Glida | פעם שלישית, גלידה |
Great / fantastic / awesome | The end of the road | Sof Haderech | סוף הדרך |
Used to describe a place in the middle of nowhere | The end of the world, on the left | Sof ha’olam smola | סוף העולם שמאלה |
Sponge or Sponging | Sponja | ספונג’ה | |
To describe something that is just right / meant to be | This is it! | Zeh zeh | !זה זה |
Used in different ways with different meanings, depending on the pronunciation, it could mean: really(?) (!)/ I see / You don't say! | Arabic word meaning seriously! I swear! | Walla | וואלה |
A Hebrew Slang Dictionary

Photo by Inbar Grosglik